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February 2, 2014

Sunday Currently : 54

This past week was one of those weeks where you desperately need the weekend. I traveled for a postdoc interview, which interrupted my work week, and the rest of the week felt off-kilter and harried as a result. Thinking back, I don't think I had any moment where I wasn't busy trying to get something done or adding an item to my to-do list-- it was exhausting! Thankfully, my parents came in to town on Friday for a weekend visit, and this weekend was exactly what I needed: filled with great meals, wonderful company, fun city excursions, and an epic nap on the couch.

Today the hubs and I have a couple of errands to run after we drop my parents off at Union Station, and then I have Brunch Club with the girls. Although this might sound crazy to the football-loving readers out there, I might actually skip our friend's Super Bowl party later today. I am feeling pulled to have a quiet night at home, and I think I might indulge that-- but don't be surprised if I change my mind at the last minute and join in the festivities!

reading :  Southern Living magazine, for which I have a trial membership. Truthfully, I don't love it all that much, though I'm willing to try out another issue just to make sure. When it comes to mags, I prefer Real Simple. 

writing :  A couple more cover letters for postdocs and job... after which I need to do some more dissertation-writing!

listening :   To the floorboards creaking as my parents move around the house, the newspaper crinkling as the hubs reads the Washington Post, and birds chirping outside as they enjoy our unseasonably warm day. Sunday morning sounds are the best.

thinking : About this whole postdoc application process. I am up to five interviews/preliminary interviews so far, and I'm waiting to hear back from a few more... And the hubs might get some responses from grad schools this week! There are lots of thoughts about potential cities and homes swirling in my mind... 

smelling :    Coffee! We made lots of it this morning.

wishing :    For good interviews this week. I have three!

hoping :   That the hubs gets some encouraging news in the couple of weeks. He works so hard, and he deserves this.

wearing :  Jeans and a blouse. It feels like spring today!

loving :  Family. It was fun having my parents visit us this weekend, and it makes me appreciate quiet moments and good meals with them. 

wanting :  A smooth, productive week. I would love for this week to go by quickly, too! 

needing :  To catch up on a lot of work. Holidays, sick days, snow days... they all happened this month, and they have contributed to me falling behind on my to-do list, which makes me feel rushed without enough time to get it all done.

feeling :  Happy about the weekend, hopeful for this upcoming week, and nervous/excited for this week's interviews.

clicking :   On not much today, but later this afternoon I will be catching up on blogs, editing photos, and prepping for the upcoming week's posts. I've been reconnecting with DC lately, and it feels so good. :)


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Last week on The Quixotic Chica: