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June 16, 2013

Sunday Currently : 23

Well, this week has been a bit bumpy. Our internet, once again, was completely broken, and I was unable to post and catch up on blog posts like I had intentioned. However, we switched providers a couple of days ago, and I am finally back up! My parents were visiting for Fathers Day weekend, and there was lots of running around doing fun things, so this is the first moment I've had to sit back and relax for a bit.

However, we seem to have picked up this little guy along the way, courtesy of the Washington Humane Society:

The shelter named him Mr. Valentine, but we'll probably change his name once we settle on something appropriately cute and clever. :) I was worried that Molly, our current cat would try to pounce on him, but instead she jumped a mile high off the ground and seems totally spooked. Hopefully they will become friends! 

reading : Still trying to catch up on blog posts. Now that we have decent internet that actually broadcasts a signal, I'm planning to settle down with an icey glass of lemonade and do some reading with the cat(s) by my side. 

writing : Travel posts. Again, I started to do this last week but was unable to upload anything since our internet kept cutting out. Patience is a virtue, right?

listening : To the birds chirping outside, a neighbor mowing his lawn, and Mr. Valentine crawling around behind the bookshelves in the guest room. He seems to be trying to find the perfect naptime spot behind the books. Good thinking, buddy. 

thinking : About all of the garden work we did this weekend with my mom. She gave us a bunch of flowers to transplant from her garden, and we went to work making them all at home in our front yard. Things are looking pretty good! 

smelling :  Sadly, not anything, since I am sick yet again. Summer colds are the worst, don't you think? I need to seriously change something in my lifestyle because I have been getting colds over and over again all year. Blegh. 

wishing :  For an easy week at work. Ha! I probably jinxed myself. Last week was good, but since I was getting sick, I was completely drained by the time Friday came around. Fingers crossed for good energy in the days to come. 

hoping :  That Molly and Mr. Valentine become friends. On the ride back from the shelter, I suddenly felt horribly guilty for getting another cat and feared that Molly would hate us for bringing in a new guy. I love her so much and don't want her to be scared or upset. I think Mr. Valentine is laidback enough that she shouldn't be too offended by his presence. Besides, I basically wanted to adopt all of the cats in the shelter, so she should be happy that we only came home with one! :D

wearing : Mesh shorts and a t-shirt, though it is mighty humid indoors, and I might need to switch into a tank top. 

loving :  Our home. This was my parents' first visit to our new place, and though I was feeling sick, I was also really excited to show them what we've done. My mother said that it feels very warm and welcoming, which made so feel so pleased. My parents created a wonderful, calm, loving space in my childhood home, and I strive to make this new place just as sacred a space as the one I grew up with. 

wanting :  Improved health. :) My plan involves gentle runs, yoga, more veggies, and a vitamin. 

needing :   A good night's sleep tonight. NyQuil may or may not be making an appearance.

feeling :  Tired but happy. I'm so glad that we got to spend Fathers Day weekend with my dad, as I have to admit that I sometimes feel left out of family time since the rest of my family lives up in New York. Family has always been the most important part of my life, and moments spent together are always appreciated. :)

clicking :  On lots of posts! Be on the lookout for comments on posts you wrote weeks ago. :)

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