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May 26, 2013

Sunday Currently : 21

This is my first international Sunday Currently! Morocco has been a blast so far, and we are looking forward to a few quiet days in the seaside town of Essaouira after the hustle and bustle of Marrakech and Casablanca. Barcelona awaits after that, and I just know that there are so many good times still to be had.

Today is a travel day, first on the train, then on the bus. Fingers crossed for an easy ride!

reading : Catch-22, and I love it! I keep laughing out loud at various points, and even though I'm only about fifty pages in I can tell that it will feel like a quick read.

writing : Emails to family about our daily shenanigans. At some point I will need to write a couple more blog posts but that's hard to do from an iPhone. Honeymoon takes priority over the blog! 

listening : To the new voices and sounds around me. Arabic, French, seagulls, train engines... 

thinking : About the nice Argentine couple we met at the train station. They are on a trip through Spain and Morocco to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary, and it makes me happy to see people still having adventures together after all of those years. 

smelling :  Nothing at the moment, though Casablanca has been a mix of sea air, car exhaust, and mystery street smells. Given a choice, I'll pick the sea air. :)

wishing :  For not much right now. I feel very content. 

hoping :  For good weather in Essaouira and Barcelona! The sun has been out every day so far, and I love it.

wearing : Jeans, one of my many J. Crew t-shirts, and a DC United zip-up jacket. Travel days are all about casual comfort for me.

loving : The hubs! It's fun to travel with him, and we keep reminiscing about past travel adventures we've had together. Having a lifelong partner who I will see the world with is a really good feeling. :)

wanting : To wear my flowy red maxi dress. I need to wear a shawl with it in Morocco, but I might break it out Barcelona if its warm enough.

needing :  Water. I definitely did not drink enough yesterday, and I need to remember to bring a water bottle with us when we're out walking all day.

feeling :  A little tired, but excited to check out Essaouira!

clicking :  On not much these days. We are limiting our Internet time here, as we should. I'll be plugged back in after we return! Though I must say, it's really nice to feel more present and less distracted by a laptop.

On to the next adventure!